College Testing
Entrance Tests for College
Different kinds of colleges require different entrance tests.
Two-year colleges and technical schools usually have students take the College Success Reading and WAMAP Math Test as part of the application process.
Four-year colleges and universities usually require that students take the SAT or ACT before applying.
Test fees range from $10-$50, but iGrad students should see a counselor to discuss transitioning to college and how to test at no cost.
Students in grades 10 and 11 take the Preliminary SAT (PSAT). The results help students understand their strengths and the skills they need to work on before taking the PSAT.
Learn more about the PSAT and see sample questions on the College Board website.
Students in grade 11 and 12 take the SAT. You can take the SAT more than once and the College Board will send the highest scores directly to your college(s) of choice. SAT or ACT scores are required for entry into most four-year colleges and universities.
In Washington, students who have not yet passed a required HSPE or EOC test may be eligible to substitute an SAT score. See your counselor for more information.
See sample SAT questions or download the SAT Question of the Day app on the College Board website.
Students in grades 11 and 12 take the ACT. You can take the ACT more than once and the College Board will send the highest scores directly to your college(s) of choice. ACT or SAT scores are required for entry into most four-year colleges and universities.
In Washington, students who have not yet passed a required HSPE or EOC test may be eligible to substitute an ACT score. See your counselor for more information.
College Success Reading & WAMAP Math Placement Tests
The College Success Reading and WAMAP Math tests determine course placement in community or technical colleges. The tests identify current skills to make sure students are placed into the right level of coursework.
Students can take both tests at the Green River College Testing and Assessment Center.
Review practice materials for the College Success Reading test.