
Good Attendance is Important!

We value every student’s contribution to our school community and miss them when they are gone. Regular, daily attendance is one of the most important things a student can do to be successful in all grade levels.

  • All absences (excused and unexcused) have the potential of harming students academically.

  • Students who miss 10 percent (18 days) of the school year, or two or more days a month, are defined as being chronically absent.

  • By sixth grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.

  • By ninth grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than eighth-grade test scores.

  • It takes an average of three days for a student to catch up from every one day of being absent.

  • Missing three or more days of school per month can set a student back up to two full years of learning.

Assess Your Student’s Attendance

Take an assessment of where your student is halfway through the school year and learn what you can do to help. 

Satisfactory Zone

0-3 absences

Your child has good attendance. Celebrate and make a goal with your child to have even better attendance.

Warning Zone

4-6 absences

Your child's learning may be affected. Pay special attention to make sure your child is keeping up with the work.

Danger Zone

7-9 absences

There is a good chance your child has fallen behind academically. Develop a plan with the school to help your child get to school on time and attend regularly.

Tips & Resources for Supporting Your Student's Attendance

We’re Here to Help

Please partner with us to ensure your student attends regularly and is successful in school. We know students may be absent from school for a variety of reasons. Our attendance office, school nurse, administrators, counselors, and teachers are prepared to help if your student is unable to make it to school regularly or on time.

We will track attendance daily, document when your student is missing from class, communicate with you to understand why the absence occurred, and identify barriers and supports available to overcome challenges you may face in helping your student attend school.

Community Resources