(253) 373-4067
Technology Academy
A Choice Program for KSD Students
Kent-Meridian Technology Academy (KMTA) is a choice program offered to all Kent School District students. While the program is offered at Kent-Meridian High School, students from any middle school in the district can apply to attend. KMTA offers a unique learning environment focused on project-based learning, technology application, student-focused scheduling, and small learning communities. Our program is based on strong and supportive relationships between students and teachers.
Project-Based Learning
A core principle of KMTA education is to teach through projects as often as possible.
Cross-Curricular Projects
Cross-curricular learning allows students to do projects that are no longer separated by class-subject boundaries.
Student-Focused Schedule
Personalized Learning Time (PLT) is built into each school day. Students choose which subject, class or project they need to spend extra time on.
Small Learning Communities
Students will share many of their classes with the same groups of students, creating opportunities to build strong relationships with KMTA peers and teachers.
Apply Now!
We are now accepting online applications for incoming ninth-grade students for the 2024-2025 school year.