College in the High School

Earn College Credit at Kentwood

Students in grades 10-12 may take University of Washington (UW) college courses taught in year-long classes at Kentwood High School. College in the High School (CHS) classes follow the same curriculum used in UW courses.  

Students earn college credits by successfully completing the course and registering for UW credit. Credits earned in CHS classes can be used to complete general university requirements at UW or can be transferred to other colleges and universities.


According to Washington State law, only students in grades 10-12 can register for UW credit.

  • There is a one-time registration fee of $45 when students enroll in their first CHS class.

  • Each five-credit class costs $325.

Learn more about UW in the High School registration and fees.

No-Cost Option for High School Credit Only

Students can also take the class for high school credit only and not pay the college course fees. The benefit of this is students have a college-level class on their high school transcript.

College in the High School Classes at Kentwood


  • CHS Composition (first semester, grade 12) is the same as UW English 111

  • CHS Literature (second semester, grade 12) is the same as UW English 131


  • CHS Precalculus (grades 10-12) is the same as UW Math 120


  • CHS Introduction to Biology: Addiction and the Brain (grade 12) is the same as UW Biology 100

  • CHS Chemistry (grades 10-12) is the same as UW Chemistry 110

  • CHS Astronomy 101 (grade 12) is the same as UW Astronomy 101

World Language

  • CHS Spanish 6 (grades 11-12) is the same as UW Spanish 103