Clubs & Activities

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  • To view a specific club or activity, select the name from the  Club or Activity drop-down menu and click Submit.

  • To view all clubs meeting on a specific day or at a specific time, select it from the Meets drop-down menu and click Submit. 

  • To view a club with a specific advisor, select his or her name from the Advisor drop-down menu and click Submit

  • To see all clubs and activities, click Submit.

Club or Activity:Art Club

Club or Activity:Clash of Clans

Club or Activity:Coding Club

Club or Activity:Debate Club

Club or Activity:Drama Club

Club or Activity:Dungeons & Dragons

Club or Activity:Electronic Music Producing Club

Club or Activity:Film Club

Club or Activity:Girls Club

Club or Activity:GSA Club

Club or Activity:Honor Society

  • Meets:Morning meetings and activities as scheduled

  • Time:As scheduled

  • Location:Room 704

  • Advisor:Mrs. Dacus

  • Email:

  • Phone:(253) 373-6675

Club or Activity:Jazz Band

  • Meets:Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays

  • Time:7:45-8:20 a.m.

  • Location:Band Room

  • Advisor:Mrs. Kierstead

  • Email:

  • Phone:(253) 373-6666

Club or Activity:JBuck Store

Club or Activity:Lego Legend's Club

Club or Activity:Minecraft

Club or Activity:Nintendo Club

Club or Activity:Pokemon Club

Club or Activity:Read a Movie

  • Meets:Fridays - See Permission Slip Schedule

  • Time:See Permission Slip Schedule

  • Location:Library

  • Advisor:Mrs. Dacus

  • Email:

  • Phone:(253) 373-6675