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The Kent School District (KSD) Board of Directors will consider authorizing a certain measure for a public vote. There will also be a School Board Work Session before the regular board meeting beginning at 4:30 p.m. on June 26.

In the event the Board authorizes a levy in the near future, it may appoint a committee to prepare arguments advocating voters’ approval of the measure; and appoint a committee to prepare arguments for advocating voters’ rejection of the measure. The pro and con committees are limited to three (3) members for each committee. This pro/con committee process was previously described in the regular board meeting of June 28, 2023, beginning at time stamp 5:16, by KSD Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Wade Barringer, and outside counsel from Pacifica Law Group. 

Should you wish to serve on such a committee, please provide your full name, address, telephone number, and contact information to the Office of Communications and Public Affairs by Wednesday, July 3, 5:00 p.m. All such information will be a matter of public record and forwarded to the Board of Directors.