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The Office of the Washington State Auditor has conducted an accountability audit of the Kent School District, which has resulted in no findings. The audit, which has been conducted over the last two fiscal periods, aimed to provide independent and transparent examinations, and assess the district's overall performance. 

Audit Results: “In those selected areas, district operations complied, in all material respects, with applicable state laws, regulations, and its own policies, and provided adequate controls over the safeguarding of public resources.” 

The Office of the Washington State Auditor is committed to promoting government transparency and accountability. This accountability audit comes as part of their ongoing efforts to ensure public confidence in government agencies. By conducting independent, transparent examinations, the state auditor aims to identify areas of improvement and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations. 

The audit of the Kent School District focused on various aspects of its operations, including: 

  • Procurement – public works 

  • Conflict of interest 

  • Use of restricted funds – bond proceeds 

  • Self-insurance with unemployment and workers' compensation 

  • Contract compliance-review of policies and procedures related to lease agreement 

  • Accounts payable – credit cards 

  • Use of restricted funds – professional learning and local revenue for enrichment activities 

  • Compliance with supplemental contracts for enrichment activities 

  • Financial condition – reviewing for indication of financial distress 

  • Open public meetings – compliance with minutes, meetings, and executive session requirements 

The lack of any findings reflects the dedication and efforts of the district's leadership and staff in providing quality education services to the community. 

"We are pleased to see the positive outcome of the accountability audit conducted by the Office of the Washington State Auditor," said Israel Vela, Superintendent of the Kent School District. "The absence of findings reflects our commitment to transparency, efficiency, and continuous improvement. We remain focused on our goal of delivering the highest standards of education to our students while being accountable to the community." 

The Office of the Washington State Auditor's Accountability Audit serves as an important tool to evaluate the performance of government entities and improve their operations. The lack of findings of the audit not only validate the efforts of the Kent School District but also contribute to the broader goal of fostering trust and confidence in government agencies. 

View a 13-minute video of the exit presentation with the Washington State Auditor.  

The complete auditor’s report will be available on the State Auditor’s website.