Second Step is designed to teach developmentally appropriate social-emotional skills to children in grades K-8. Some of the skills taught include empathy, problem-solving, and emotion management.
How Schools Address Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
We define harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) as intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical acts that:
Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property.
Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education.
Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment.
Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
Conflict is inevitable, harassment, intimidation, and bullying are not.
Conflict is a natural part of life. People view things differently, have disagreements, and treat each other mean at times. It is important not to label conflict/fighting as bullying. Schools use these guidelines to help determine if this is a conflict or a situation of HIB.
Please note that the school will act in both cases.
Conflict/Fighting Behaviors
Between friends/equals/peers
Accidental/not planned
Little or no serious/lasting harm
Equal emotional reaction to the incident
Not done for domination/control
Sense of remorse
Desire to solve the problem
Bullying Behaviors
Not friends/imbalance of power
Repeated over time
Physical/emotional harm
Unequal emotional reaction to the incident
Seeking control/possession/domination
No remorse, blames the target
No effort to solve the problem
Report Bullying to Your School
All instances of suspected harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying should be reported to your school’s principal or assistant principal in any of the following ways:
In person
Over the phone
By email
You may also complete the official HIB Report Form (available in six languages) and submit it to the school’s main office.
Video Resources
Teaching Students to End Bullying
Our social-emotional learning curriculum, taught at all grade levels, helps students develop skills to solve conflicts and promote kindness, acceptance, and inclusion in our schools.
Second Step
Kelso's Choice
Kelso's Choice is a conflict-management program for elementary students. Kelso the Frog helps teach students ways to resolve minor conflicts on their own. The program also teaches students the difference between problems they can solve on their own and major problems that require adult help.
Frequently Asked Questions

HIB Compliance Officer
Susie Whitlock
(253) 373-7016