Free & Reduced-Price Meals

Free Breakfast & Lunch for All Students

Kent School District has been approved for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program for the 2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, and 2027-2028 school years districtwide. Breakfast and lunch meals (not a la cart items) are available at no cost for all students at all schools regardless of family or household income.

Apply to Receive Additional Benefits & Support School Funding

While meals will be offered at no cost, it is still important that families complete the Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit (CNEEB) application. By completing the CNEEB application which replaces the Family Income Survey, students and families may be eligible for additional benefits and schools can receive funding.

  • Families may receive waived or decreased fees to participate in other school programs.

  • Schools receive funding based on the number of free and reduced qualified applicants. By completing a free and reduced meal application, you help your school obtain funding.

We encourage families to complete an online application through MealAppNow because it only takes a few minutes and is the fastest, easiest way to get approved.